Author Archives: Louise Savoie
The Community Health Accreditation Program, Inc.
Also known as CHAP, the Community Health Accreditation Program, Inc. strategically assures and promotes the growth of the health care industry. A healthcare business gains more trust and repeats customers once it holds CHAP accreditation certificate, as it will be publicly recognized as an organization that has voluntarily met the highest standards of excellence for … Continue reading
Reasons to Invest in a Home Health Care Business Part 2
With a spike in the aging population, there will also be an increasing need for healthcare businesses that provide senior care services. Healthcare Accreditation Consulting in New Jersey provides more reasons why pursuing a business in the healthcare industry is worth considering: There’s room to grow, inside and out Whether you want to improve your … Continue reading
Reasons to Invest in a Home Health Care Business Part 1
By 2026, the nationwide spending on health is expected to grow annually at an average rate of 5.5 percent. That time, the spending will reach nearly 20% of the national GDP. With its extreme growth, healthcare businesses will prove to be worth exploring. Alongside the mentioned increase, healthcare-related occupations will equally grow as well. There … Continue reading
What Is the Major Purpose of HIPAA?
HIPAA has two major purposes: (1) to provide continuous healthcare insurance coverage for employees who change or lose their job, and (2) to lessen the administrative burdens and cost of healthcare by standardizing the electronic transmission of administrative and financial transactions. It also aims to combat abuse, waste, and fraud in health insurance and healthcare … Continue reading
Guide to HIPAA Law in Healthcare
The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a 1996 US legislation signed by President Bill Clinton. It is a healthcare law that provides data privacy and security provisions to keep the patients’ medical information safe. A Home Care Accreditation Consultant provides a short description of the acts’ five titles or sections. Title I … Continue reading
What You Need to Know about Healthcare Accreditation
Every healthcare business owner aspires for their business to have a key difference from others. A sure way to make this happen is through obtaining accreditations from one or several accreditation organizations. The main goal of accreditation is to improve the quality of patient care through structured systems that provide an objective measurement. This enables … Continue reading